Wednesday, December 2, 2020

GuD EvnG


GuD EvnG

Finally the RF logo is back to the owner.

Congratulations Dear Federer.

Enjoy thy day...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Insights on lyfe-VI

I asked The Saint for a virtual meet on ZOOM, I felt happy to meet him.
I was upset at the ongoing Covid and was more stressed at extended working hours from home. I told him about these, he gave a simple answer:
"नौकरी करनी है तो, ना क्या करनी"
If you want to do a job (service), then you rarely have an option to say NO. He said that it was unfortunate that Covid had come, but see the multiple lessons it is preaching:
1. Devote time to almighty
2. No wastage
3. Understand and give more time to family
4. Give time to your body
I thanked him for his thoughts...