Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GuD NooN

GuD NooN
I wud rather be a failure at something I love, 
Than a success at something I hate.
Choose what you enjoy…
Enjoy thy Day…

Thursday, January 24, 2013

GuD MrnG

GuD MrnG
 I say luck is when an opportunity comes along, and you're prepared for it.
Be prepared, be lucky…
Enjoy thy Day…

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GuD EvnG

GuD EvnG
 They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.
Even though, not all calm is the sound of storm…
Enjoy thy Day…

Thursday, January 17, 2013

GuD NooN

GuD NooN
Let not thy will roar, when thy power can, but whisper.
Enjoy thy Day…

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Insights on Lyfe - IV

The Saint had been taken through the Posts
Lyfe Revealed
More Insights on Lyfe
Insights on Lyfe-III
Few days passed by, Saint said nothing, I on becoming restless and impatience growing in me, could not resist myself from asking
Sir, What do you think is Lyfe?
"I am surprised", said the saint, adding, Son you have been writing on lyfe...
I replied, "definitely Sir, thats all what I learnt from you, but your further enlightenment is what I need more."
The Saint said, "I would make it simple for you
To want to be, what one can be, is the sole purpose of Lyfe...
In other words, Have a purpose, have a Lyfe..."
I was once again left with agazed eyes, Is this as simple as the saint intended?

Monday, January 7, 2013

GuD EvnG

GuD EvnG
 The price of greatness is responsibility.
More greater thy becomes, More responsibility thy shoulders need to bear…
Enjoy thy Day…

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A cool song...

Felt like sharing with you all a cool song...
Taylor Swift...Love Story...