Friday, April 27, 2012

Painful Exiles...

Self-imposed Exiles can never be as painful as the one inflicted upon you by chance...
And whenever an exile ends, you have to have loads of Luck to make sure you do not end up serving another one...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stopping to Talk

There is infact a tyme to stop the talk,
It might happen when the opposite person is nodding affirmatively, but saying nothing, its tyme to check back his interest by catching what you said recently...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Experience (on a light note)...

Experience is what is left in you, after you have forgot her name...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stopped Watch Vs Late Watch

A stopped watch will show the correct tyme twice a day, a late watch will never show the correct tyme, any tyme.
A stopped human being will never reach anywhere, a late person may well get an opportunity to make up for the behind schedule.
Contrasting the difference, Try to run up, Don't stand still, Who knows your timing gets you right up there just in tyme...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Insights on Lyfe - III

I asked the saint, next time I met him
"Why is pain inflicted on us, so much that at times we think of just giving up everything and more so this pain we could have had avoided, had we taken the other path."
The saint said, "I understand what are you pointing at", Continuing he said, "Child, tell me Has not the pain left you stronger, Next time when you face such a situation, Wont you be in a much better situation to deal with it?"
I said, "But I am not talking about next time, why is it that I am brought upon such pain in Ist case. And despite suffering immense pain, I end up on the losing side."
The saint replied, "Austerity, do you know what it is, did you suffer enough pain to call it austerity (तपस्या)? Listen son, you have started rating yourself again (read, So to make it clear, I will talk in your language, Mind it its all relative, Even for God it is so, the more pain one suffers the better he is placed for the end result, Your hard work / suffering of pain does not go unnoticed. And you think giving up will solve everything, (earnestly he further said) This will inflict pain on your all wellwishers. Mind it !!!"
What could I further say, I just thought, Am I relatively rated by God also, First relative grading and now I get to know God is also rating us relative to each other.